Company history

Company history

Kindling GmbH in Hildesheim can look back on a successful tradition lasting more than 60 years.

Our company timeline features the most important milestones in our company history.

1956 Company founding
in Hannover by Marie-Luise Kindling

1956 Nervenpunktdetektor 1 (nerve point detector)
for point localization

1959 Nervenpunktdetektor 2 (nerve point detector)
with display

1966 Nervenpunktdetektor 3 (nerve point detector)
with display and therapy section

1972 Nervenpunktdetektor 4 (nerve point detector)
the first EAV device for

1978 Nervenpunktdetektor 4B (nerve point detector)
transistorised EAV device with batteries

1980 Transition of the company Kindling to Kindling GmbH
with registered office in Hildesheim
Owner and Managing Director: Franz Schulz

1980 Akuport M; portable EAV device

1983 Kindling 2000
Easy to use EAV device with pressure measurement display

1985 Computer-assisted EAV
with the programs ELADI (MS-DOS)
and HOMOPATH Drs. Rossmann / Mayer (ATARI)

1987 Presentation of the EAV devices at Dr. Voll

1988 Admission to the Int. Medical Society for EAV
by its president Dr. Fehrenbach

1990 Software ELADI MT with medicine testing

1993 Presentation of the RETEC-Therapie (Bioresonance)
with RETEC 2000

1994 EAV-Combi 2
replaces Nervenpunktdetektor 4B (nerve point detector)

Software with virtual medicine testing

1996 Software HOMOPATH Drs. Rossmann / Mayer
as version for Windows

1996 Computer-assisted EAV system diagnostics
with Kindling 2000, Retec 2000

1997 RETEC 3000
Computerized 2 channel multiplex resonance therapy

1998 Relocation to Gropiusstrasse
Expansion of production facilities

1999 Cooperation with MBA GmbH
for sales and service

1999 First certification according to ISO 9000

2000 Akuport
Plug and play modular system M1, MT and MR

2002 The new EAV Combi-2

2003 Kindling 2000s
revised version in a new design in a new design

2003 Curator
Light therapy device according to Global Scaling
in cooperation with the I.R.E.F.

2004 Retec 2000c
Compact device with new software

2004 USB Technology for the software

2005 Certification
according to medical products standard EN ISO 13485

2005 Company Anniversary
25 years of Kindling in Hildesheim

2007 Akuport MR2 replaces Akuport MR

2008 Change of management
Dipl.-Des. Kerstin Abrams and Dipl.-Ing. Eduard Abrams become managing directors.

2008 Canadian Certification
according to CAN/CSA ISO 13485

2009 Vistron
the new EAV generation

2011 Akuport D-tec

2015 Kindling EASY
self-calibrating bioresonance device

Nervenpunktdetektor 4B since 1978
Nervenpunktdetektor 4B since 1978
Akuport – EAV-Reisegerät since 1980
Kindling 2000 since 1983
Kindling 2000 since 1983
Kindling 2000 since 1990
Kindling 2000 since 1990
Retec2000 since 1993
Kindling 2000S in Kombination mit dem Retec 2000C

Curator professional
Light therapy

Retec 2000CP mit EAV Combi-2

Software Homopath
Drs. Rossmann / Mayer


Akuport Turm mit den Modulen:
Akuport D-tec (Potenzierer)
Akuport MR2 (Bioresonanz)
Akuport MT (EAV-Therapie)
Akuport M1+ (EAV-Messung)

Akuport_M2 Unterseiten

Akuport M2



Kindling Easy Unterseiten

Kindling Easy


Live-Chat appointments

07:30 pm – 9:00 pm
mon. 2024-01-13
mon. 2024-02-10
mon. 2024-03-10
mon. 2024-04-14
mon. 2024-05-12
mon. 2024-06-02
mon. 2024-07-14
Summer break
mon. 2024-09-08
mon. 2024-10-13
mon. 2024-11-10
mon. 2024-12-08

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Bioresonance and electroacupuncture, like homeopathy and acupuncture, belong to the field of regulative medicine. These are alternative medical procedures that are not the subject of scientific research and are therefore not recognised by conventional medicine. We would like to point out that alternative medical procedures are not a substitute for conventional medicine!

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