
Repair and maintenance by a specialist

Our service includes in-house repair and maintenance by trained specialists. This means that you can always use your device reliably in the practice.

We have also expanded our range of services to include many EAV devices from Pitterling.

We maintain and repair all of our own Kindling GmbH devices:

and Pitterling EAV devices, e. g.:

  • Akuport M1+
  • Akuport M2
  • Akuport MT
  • Akuport MR2
  • Akuport D-tec
  • Combi-2
  • Kindling 2000
  • Retec 2000
  • Vistron
  • Kindling EASY
  • Nervenpunktdetektor 4B
  • Neuropuls
  • Dermatron
  • Dermatron ST
  • Dermatron CL
  • Pitterling Diagnost

If your device is not listed, please contact us – we will be happy to help you!

Support via browser (screen sharing)

Screen sharing is a simple method to talk about a topic together or to show pictures etc. –> you see what we see!

Here you only need a session number, which we will give you by phone or e-mail.

Support via remote maintenance

Remote maintenance is a very simple and cost-effective alternative to home visits, especially for software problems.Thereby we see your screen and have the possibility to control the mouse. Of course you can see what is happening on your PC at any time.Download the app and start the application.


Live-Chat appointments

07:30 pm – 9:00 pm
thurs. 2024-01-18
thurs. 2024-02-15
thurs. 2024-03-14
thurs. 2024-04-18
thurs. 2024-05-16
thurs. 2024-06-13
thurs. 2024-07-18
thurs. 2024-09-19
thurs. 2024-10-17
thurs. 2024-11-14
thurs. 2024-12-12

Please contact:


Bioresonance and electroacupuncture, like homeopathy and acupuncture, belong to the field of regulative medicine. These are alternative medical procedures that are not the subject of scientific research and are therefore not recognised by conventional medicine. We would like to point out that alternative medical procedures are not a substitute for conventional medicine!

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