Chattermine 2024

Chattermine 2024

Chattermine 2024 – Jetzt wieder teilnehmen!Nutzen Sie den kostenlosen Austausch im Umfeld von Kollegen und unserererfahrenen Heilpraktikerin Brigitte Weber. Chattermine 2024 19:30 – 21:00 UhrDo. 18.01.2024Do. 15.02.2024Do. 14.03.2024Do. 18.04.2024Do. 16.05.2024Do. 13.06.2024Do. 18.07.2024Do. 19.09.2024Do. 17.10.2024Do. 14.11.2024Do. 12.12.2024

The 57th Medical Week Baden-Baden

The 57th Medical Week Baden-Baden will take place from 30 October – 3 November2024 at the Kongresshaus Baden-Baden. We look forward to a lively exchange and yourvisit to our stand.

56. Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden

Die 56. Medizinische Woche findet vom 01. November bis 05. November 2023 im Kongresshaus in Baden-Baden statt.

Live Chats 2023

Live Chats 2023 19.30 – ca. 21 UhrDo. 12.01.2023Do. 09.02.2023Do. 09.03.2023Do. 20.04.2023Do. 25.05.2023Do. 22.06.2023Do. 20.07.2023Do. 21.09.2023Do. 19.10.2023Do. 16.11.2023Do. 14.12.2023for Registration please contact:

55. Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden

55. Medizinische Woche Baden-Baden Various approaches to effective and sustainable medicine will be presented to you at the Medical Week from October 28th, 2022 to November 1st, 2022. You will find us at booth UG-27. We are looking forward to your visit. More info on

Live Chats 2022

Live Chats 2022 19.30 – ca. 21 UhrDo. 17.02.2022Do. 17.03.2022Do. 28.04.2022Do. 19.05.2022Do. 23.06.2022Do. 13.10.2022Do. 17.11.2022Do. 15.12.2022for Registration please contact:

News: Trade fairs 2020

Trade fairs 2020 28.10.-1.11.2020Due to the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, the Medizinische Woche in Baden-Baden will not take place as a face-to-face event. Ärztegesellschaft für Erfahrungsheilkunde e.V. and Haug Verlag are offering a 3-day online conference instead. You can find more information at


Live-Chat appointments

07:30 pm – 9:00 pm
thurs. 2024-01-18
thurs. 2024-02-15
thurs. 2024-03-14
thurs. 2024-04-18
thurs. 2024-05-16
thurs. 2024-06-13
thurs. 2024-07-18
thurs. 2024-09-19
thurs. 2024-10-17
thurs. 2024-11-14
thurs. 2024-12-12

Please contact:


Bioresonance and electroacupuncture, like homeopathy and acupuncture, belong to the field of regulative medicine. These are alternative medical procedures that are not the subject of scientific research and are therefore not recognised by conventional medicine. We would like to point out that alternative medical procedures are not a substitute for conventional medicine!

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